
My research interests include survival analysis, interpretable statistical models, and functional data analysis. During my undergraduate education at Brigham Young University I worked with Dr. Brian Hartman on projects relating to automobile insurance policies with a specific focus on explainable machine learning algorithms. Currently, I am a graduate student doing research under the supervision of Dr. Bin Nan, with my proposed research in the area of survival analysis. Many of the statistical problems that I am currently trying to solve are motivated by data and trials at the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) at UC Irvine.

Publications and Presentations

(2022). Machine Learning in Ratemaking, an Application in Commercial Auto Insurance. Risks 10(4).


(2021). mSHAP: SHAP Values for Two-Part Models. Risks 10(1).

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(2021). mSHAP, Explaining Two-Part Models. In 24th IME.

Code Slides Video Talk Transcript